Saturday, December 29, 2007

Iraq prediction

So, in listening to all the presidential candidates -- or at least as many as I can stomach -- talk about what they would do about the Iraq situation, it occurred to me that the election is almost a year away, and the president-elect shan't take office until January 2009. I submit, then, that the best policy statement by any candidate would be to withdraw all troops (starting) immediately, because by January 2009, the situation shall be either so good that a military presence is irrelevant, or so bad that it is unsupportable. I personally suspect the latter, especially given Turkey's recent actions (which I had expected would happen when we left, not realizing that the PKK wouldn't wait that long), but I actually can't completely rule out the former, however improbable I consider it. But in either case, a new president probably shan't have any option other than complete withdrawal, even if Bush hasn't already started it before his term ends.


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