Saturday, January 27, 2007

Energy IV: There's too many alternatives to count -- especially for Bush

I was going to use this post to describe the various alternative energy sources, having dismissed hydrogen and ethanol as viable replacements for gasoline, and having already pointed out the inherent inefficiency of nuclear fission, but there are a whole crapload: wind, solar, geothermal, hydrodynamic, hydrothermic, etc. There's also nuclear fusion, the energy source of the future, now and for always. I don't have the patience or the knowledge to do the panoply justice, so I'll leave it to this guy.

Part V coming up.


Blogger Zakariah Johnson said...

Ethanol is great for big fuel companies and for farmers--it takes more energy to make than it produces! Wow, what a boondoggle.

"Federal subsidies for all my friends!" (That's W. as the Mikey Rourke character in "Barfly.")

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read this, Eccelibertas.

Blogger heavynettle said...

Thanks, anonymous: some issues I had neglected.


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