Libertarians are full of shit (on this): School Vouchers
The first problem with vouchers is the fundamental disconnect between taxes paid per child and actual expenses per child: per capita computation of costs in public education is a myth. It costs the same to build and maintain a school building, whether there are 1200 or 1199 students in it; it costs the same to pay a teacher, whether there are 30 or 29 students in his or her class; it costs the same to run buses, whether they pick up every child on the route or one less than every child. One more or less textbook does not represent the bulk of a school’s, or school district’s, budget: rather, it is the facility, payroll and other mass costs that do not vary with the addition or subtraction of a student. Costs are reduced at the school and district level only if an entire class can be eliminated, or if bus routes can be consolidated, which means the vouchers paid out on a student basis deplete the budget without equivalent reduction of costs for the absence of the child.
Further, public education is not primarily intended to educate my child, or your child, but to educate the electorate and the workforce. It is a public good from which we all derive benefit, regardless of whether or not we have school-aged children. After all, it behooves a democracy to have an electorate sufficiently educated to eschew dogma and demogogues; it behooves a free market to have individuals sufficiently educated to either work in the jobs available or run their own businesses. Arguably, those most requiring such instruction are those whose families could least afford to pay for it, which is why there must be provision for free public education. At any rate, it’s a given that some individuals contribute less, in property and other taxes, than the average per capita revenue, and the difference between the two values constitutes a subsidy, or welfare, for such individuals accepting a voucher.
It is at best problematic to collect taxes to provide a service that does not benefit all who pay the taxes on an equal basis, so a subsidy to one person’s child to give him or her an advantage over the other children we educate out of public necessity is questionable at best. Should we grant vouchers to pay for private security for those individual’s dissatisfied with our police? Should we grant vouchers to pay for private vehicles for individuals dissatisfied with the school bus? How about vouchers to pay for better copies of a text book than the school provides?
Public education represents an intersection of the citizen’s responsibility to support necessities and the parent’s responsibility to provide the best possible for his or her child. One parent’s dissatisfaction with what is publicly provided does not exempt him or her, as a citizen, from paying for it. If that parent wants more for his or her child, it’s quite frankly his or her problem, because the public school system was not created for his or her child alone.
What voucher proponents should do, instead of trying to support handouts to public school refugees, is sit in on school board meeting and even run for board themselves. I was told that the school board was the smallest unit of representative government in our system, a laboratory for viewing debate, compromise, and governance in action at a level of immediate importance to at least all of us with children. The problem is that many of the most arden voucher supporters want the money because they are hostile to science and objective analysis, and want their children instead to be inculcated with the dogma of their parents' beliefs. Those of us who went to public schools know that it is possible, of course, to fail and slip through the cracks; but it is also possible to achieve a thorough education, even in the worst of schools. Poor quality schools merely put the burden on the individual student (and, of course, the parents) to proactively exploit the resources of the school, rather than receiving enlightenment on a silver platter. The so-called crisis in public education has always been trumped up to justify public subsidy of private and home schooling. But vouchers are no different than food stamps or corporate welfare: it's just using money taken from you and me to benefit somebody else.