An example of situational irony: the Gay Gene
Hee hee.
I don't know what else to add. Anyone?
What can I say? This is your basic rantfest, strictly for the benefit and sanity of me. I can imagine that I might edify a reader with my musings, but that would be a bit much even for my active imagination. If you enjoy it, great. If you disagree, well, you're probably wrong.
The same people who think Darwin was the antichrist also insist that being gay is a choice (which seems an odd choice given the nearly universal prejudice against homosexuals in the world) so they wouldn't believe a genetic explanation to being with.
And on that note, tell my that Pat Robertson's hair isn't a symbiotic being from the deep core of Io slowly taking over his mind as it feeds off his brain waves. Go on, say it isn't so with certainty. If you can.
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