Friday, March 25, 2005

unfinished business

Ach, so much to write, so little time. Plus, I get priority paralysis from the sheer quantity of stupid issues out there:

-- Social Security: kill it! (and Medicare, too)
-- Schiavo: if there are resources in her name to continue her life, let her live. If there aren't, well, she doesn't have the right to anyone else's property to sustain her life.
-- gay marriage: why the hell is the state involved in marriage at all? Shouldn't the individual decide what constitutes a desirable relationship? ANYONE WHO SUPPORTS THE AMENDMENT TO "PROTECT" MARRIAGE IS AN ANTI-AMERICAN SUBHUMAN!
-- Bush is not spreading democracy in the Middle East, any more than Reagan destroyed the Soviet Union -- all of these thing are dependent on factors external as well as internal to U.S. action. Besides, democracy in the Middle East is really the last thing we want.
-- Why is it a state matter whether some athletes use drugs? Get Congress the hell out of baseball and anything else the Constitution didn't authorize them to meddle in!
-- And when the hell did we become a parliamentary democracy? The President as the most powerful member of his party? The President setting a legislative agenda? The President spending my #$&*@ money to campaign for other members of his party? The executive and legislative branches of government are supposed to be antagonists, each blocking the other from overreaching its authority. Oy! If y'all aren't going to vote for candidates willing to limit the scope of government, at least vote one party for Congress and another for President.

More on all of these later.


Blogger Zakariah Johnson said...

Did you know that baseball is exempt from antitrust legislation? That's why there is only one pro baseball organization (OK - it's split into two, but it's all just one org.) Congress let major league baseball be a monopoly at the same time they sanctioned their own intervention.

Here's a fascinating related story, by the way: Iraqi women risk kidnapping and death to organize a softball leaque: Iraqi softball

Blogger Zakariah Johnson said...

All right, I seem to have trouble coding links. Here's the full one if you want to copy it into your browser:


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